Tuesday 19 June 2012

Paris, Je t'aime

Last week my mum came to visit me here in London and I had the best time ever. Right know I want to go back to Mexico and spend as much time with her and with my family as I can, but I have to work this summer so no can do.

We spent a day here in London and then we went to Paris to visit my aunt, who is also amazing and we had a lot of fun with her too.

We arrived around 2 o'clock and we went to this restaurante called Chez Andre and we had an amazing lunch! Afterwards we went for a walk and also to Notre Dame. Walking around we found this little cheese shop and we decided to buy some cheeses and bread to have for dinner and they were delicious.

We also saw the new Hermes store which is very modern and chic.

Of course we didn't buy anything there because it was pretty expensive hahaha.

The next day we went to an exhibition called Artemisa which was really interesting and walk around. My mum and I had lunch in this little Restaurant and they had the best crepes ever! My was a four cheese and hers had some cheese, tomato and ham I think.
Later that they we met my aunt and we did some shopping and walked around and went home for dinner.
Saturday we woke up early and decided to have breakfast in the city. Later we were walking around and I convinced my mum to try on some weeding dresses, we didn't find the right one then but it was a start. My mum got a makeover and she cut her hair and my aunt took us to this really cool store called Alaia. 
Sunday was our last day so we went to an exhibition which was one of the best I have ever seen.
Is calles Louis Vuitton-Marc Jacobs and it was very interesting, fun and exciting.
Later that day we went to have lunch to one of my grandfathers favourite restaurants. I had the onion soup and my mum the fish soup and we shared some seafood platter which was incredible.
Of course as a good-bye from Paris we had some profiterols and creme brulee. And we bought some macaroons to take home(I ate them all on the train!) hahaha.

It was a really good trip and I look forward to going again.

Sunday 10 June 2012


FINALLY!!! After a very, very stressful week I manage to finish everything for my hand-in tomorrow and that means the end of term.

It was a very interesting and exhausting journey, but I managed to survive and learn a bunch of things during the whole process.
Now my mum is coming to visit and we are staying in London for a few days before going to Paris to visit my aunt.
Afterwards I'll be working part time until July when I start working full-tima 7 days a week for the Olympic Games. And here is the reason for this post. I was complaining with everyone because I thougt having to work 7 days a week during the summer is a bit over the top, but then one of my flatmates put me in my place by making me realize that is not the end of the world. It's a good opportunity, good pay and to be honest I don't have anything better to do. So I decided to grow up and suck it up.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, that sometime life is not going to be ideal, but you need to look at the bigger picture and evaluate the benefits of the decisions you make. All the effort that you put now into your projects and goals, will eventually pay off and then you will have the life you want when you grow older.

Besides after that rigorous routine I will be going to Mexico for a month and I have an excuse to make my mum treat me especially good after all the hard work.

Monday 4 June 2012

Bad Day

So yesterday was a bad day. No, I don't mean I was miserable or anything, on the contrary I was quite happy. I woke up with all these cravings and I decided to give it a go and don't care about my diet for once. I ate a lot of chocolate hahah, trust me a lot. I'm writing this because I know that there are a lot of people out there like me that even though they enjoy to be bad a little, they feel guilty afterwards and yes, today I feel guilty. But there is no point on making yourself feel miserable about it, it's already done. So..pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on, keep living. What you can do is go to the gym and excercise for the net few days and eat healthy, by the end of today I can be certain you will be feeling better and if not just keep with the healthy routine until you do. If you are one of those persons that don't feel guilty I congratulate you and envy you, that's the wy it should be. Nothing bad will happen for one day of enjoying yourself, life is short and we only have one so we might aswell enjoy it.

So here are some things I recommend from what I had yesterday(please don't judge)

It was really good, although I prefer the dark one with hazelnuts.

Really good, it has a nice crunch to it.

This is a chocolate-vanilla cheesecake, sooooo good. I really enjoyed it. Not tooo sweet and the perfect portion.