Sunday 28 October 2012

Halloween weekend and skyfall

So this weekend was rather good I have to say, I was feeling a little tired and down and my flatmates helped me get trough it.
Friday we celebrated Halloween, a little early but what the hell right. We had some drinks first and then we went to Koko which was amazing and we had a lot of fun.
The only bad thing was that they decided to dress as tennis players on the coldest day of the year so far and let's just say they suffered a bit hahaha. I was just a normal witch wearing lots of layers as always and had no problem at all.

The problem though was to wake up the next day to go to work. Yes, work! I'm doing an internship in this store called Alberre Odette and is sooooo good. I will post some pictures in the future but I'm enjoy it a lot and learning tons about fashion. The boutique is owned by a really nice lady called Irina and she has Agatha working there for her and they are both so funny, nice and beautifull. Seriously they look like models...well Agatha actually was a model but she doesn't work as one anymore.
Afterwards I came home and died! The guys wanted to go out again but we all fell asleep and didn't go anywhere.

Sunday was a day to relax, do some homework and watch Skyfall. Which I have to say is amazing! My favourite James Bond movie so far to be honest. And one of the coolest things, beside Ralph Fiennes and Javier Barde, the soundtrack, the way Sam Mendes plays with colors, light and images and that the fights and stunts are amazing, is that is in London so you see all these places that we actually see from time to time and is pretty damn awesome.

The only down side about the weekend was that I was a bit unhealthy Friday and Sunday. Not my worst weekend so far but not good either, and it sucks because I had been having a pretty good 2 weeks of eating healthy and going to the gym(I still went this weekend but I didn't eat to good) so having a couple of bad days is not good because you feel you have relapsed. The good thing is my jeans fit again! Oh! I didn't tell you but they were a little tight after my holiday in Mexico, nothing major but is best to take action and take back control before is too late. Anyway like I always say, having a bit of a break is nothing too bad as long as you pick yourself up, dust yourself of and go back to what you feel comfortable doing and you know is best for you in the long run.

By the way, I'm doing a new blog with a friend so expect an upgrade soon!
Until the next post

Thursday 4 October 2012


I've been thinking about cutting my hair, because even though I cut it just before coming to London I just don't know what to do with it to make it look cool. I know I can make it work with the curling iron but then it gets damaged and lately I feel my hair has become really thin and I don't have the same amount I used to have so here are some examples of what I'm thinking of doing, although I'm scared and I don't know if I will do it in the end. I will let you know!!!

Paris Fashion Week