Wednesday 23 March 2011

Get Kirsched!!

Recently I decided that because I have a lot of free time instead of using it to watch TV and eat, I was going to stay active and even though my whole body hurts like you can't imagine I have been enjoying it. I realized that the more active you are, the more active you want to be. Doing some research about workouts and places I can go to keep up with my plan I found these videos that show exercise that really work. David Kirsch is the genius behind the bodies of all Victoria Secret models and a lot of celebrities and let me tell you, these videos work! Of course I don't have Adriana Lima's body but I can feel all my muscles hurt so that must mean I'm doing something right. So I encourage you to try some of these videos and see if you like them and maybe who knows you become and active person or develop a body like Marisa Miller.

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