Wednesday 7 December 2011

Shopping Tips

So lately I've been doing some Christmas shopping before going home. I'm not a big spende so I like to plan what I'm going to buy and have an estimate of the amount of money I'm planning to use. In case you do like shopping a lot and find it difficult to stop yourself before going completley bankrupt, here are some tips that I like to use and might be helpful to you.

1. Do a list of the things you really need, what's the point of having 100 pair of jeans if you only wear the same 2 pairs every time?

2. Try to put yourself a limit and even if you might spend a little over you already know how much more you spent and may be able to do adjustments to make the damage less grave.

3. Check the prices of what you want to buy. There might be a really nice pair of shoes you want to buy but they are crazy expensive. Stop! Evaluate if it's worth buying or if maybe it's better to buy another 5 things with the same amount of money and maybe find a cheaper version of the shoes you liked.
4. Even if it sounds mean think about who you are giving a present to. Not everyone has to have an expensive Christmas present, you might even get creative and make something realy cool for some of your friends. I mean I wouldn't mind if my friends gave me a can of home-made cookies for Christmas.

So there you have it, some tips that might be helpful for this Christmas season. Hope it helps!

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