Sunday 8 April 2012


So for my last week in Mexico we decided to go to Coatzacoalcos, which is a small city in Mexico near Veracruz where my mum and my uncles grew up. Is always nice to go and have some relaxing time and see all my cousins and family that I don't get to see during the year.
The only dangerous thing about Coatza is that you relax a bit too much and also that the food is amazing so it was good we only went there for 3 days otherwise I would be obsese by now hahahaha.

One of the things I like is that people go to their one speed in Coatza, if you want you can wake up early go for a run and then relax tanning by the pool. But you can also wake up late, have a nice late breakfast and then go walk in the afternoon to the beach. Lots of opportunities.

I'm going to put a list of the things I ate this week there, which are traditional dishes and the recipes so you can try them too. Trust me they are totally worth it.

Platanos fritos rellenos

Pay de Limon, el cual es una receta secreta de mi Tia que me encanta

Asi que ya tienen algunas recetas para probar, acuerdense de combinarlas con salsita y frijolitos y una buena Michelada.

Y claro de no hacerlas diario porque no son lo mas sano que podamos comer.

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