Sunday 16 September 2012


So here is the deal, I feel like I messed up and I shoudn't be studying Fashion. Maybe is not that I shouldn't be studying Fashion, maybe it is that I need to be doing something else in regards to the Fashion World. So I wonder, how many of us feel like this? Because it is so hard to choose what you want to do with the rest of your life after you finish High School and haven't had enough experience to make a wise decision.
I think whatever we study we will always find our path in the end and also learn with time that success and money are irrelevant, it is more on who you become and how you live that is important.
I will continue with my Fashion course because I think is not time for me to make drastic changes in my life, not until I am sure of what my realy passion is and how I can pursue it.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you, like me, are stuggling have patience and the right path will present it self and hopefully you will have the skills and courage to follow it.

Changing the subject, here are some pics of New York and London Fashion week.

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