Monday 11 February 2013

Best dressed!

Hello everyone! Yes, I know! I haven't posted anything in a while because I have no life anymore and I'm super busy with school and work, but finally I had 5 minutes to quickly do a post of the looks I really liked this week, specially since it was New York Fashion Week, BAFTA and Grammy weekend! Yay!

So first of all I just want to say I looooove Olivia Palermo's look and from what I have seen from the street style it was what caught my eye the most because I would totally wear what she's wearing!
Then we have Alexa Chung at the Grammys and I have to say, I was not going to post this picture because even though I love what she's wearing and I'm thinking of looking for something similar for my sister's graduation I do not like to promote scary skinny, unhealthy looks for everyone out there. Doesn't matter if I thinks she looks good, healthy or whatever, I know a lot of girls out there want to look like her and decide to follow really unhealthy habits when she probaly has the fastest metabolism ever and is 1.85 which always helps. Although by the looks of it, I think she might not be really healthy....Anyway this is the look and I love the red lips and the hair pieces!

And defineteley the best dressed of the night by far is Rihanna with this stunning red dress and I have to say I even like the make-up and hair! 
I hope you like the post and I promise I will try to write more often.
Oh! And check Alberre Odette's new blog and facebook page.
I'll post the link later because Facebook sucks and is not working now

Thursday 6 December 2012

I need to have this!!!!!

Obviously is not going to happen because I'm a poor student but if I could I would run of the house right now and go and buy this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 3 December 2012

Paris Je t'aime part 2

This past weekend I went to Paris to visit my aunt before going away for Christmas and before they have to move...if they have to move from Paris.

My flatmates came along too for one day and I stay the rest of the weekend and they went skiing, hopefully they had some snow I'll let you know when I see them.

The first day we went to the Louvre to see a Raphael exhibition and it was amazing! I'm not a big fan of those kind of paintings to be honest but the colors and sketches where unbelievable and I had a lot of fun and learn a lot from my aunt who is one of the must cultured people I know.

Afterward we went to have lunch in one of her friends restaurant and it was delicious, we shared some appetizers and then I had some macarooni and cheese with truffle and of course the french cheese was to dye for. Later that evening I picked up one of my friends and afte leaving our suitcases we walked around Paris and had dinner, while we waited for the last flatmate to come. It was a good relazing day.

Next day we went to the Pompidou and there was a Dali exhibition but the line to get in was huge and after 2 hourse waiting I decided to go and see Paris instead of having to wait in the cold.
I went to a Patisserie and asked for a slice of apple crumnle pie and then I had a capuchino, which was just what I needed to get my energy back and visit all of Paris.

I walked all day and my feet where killing me but it ws worth it! After going to other exhibitions and doing window shopping (which was sooo nice, I was about to spend all my money and not eat for a month but decided not to) I met with my uncle and we went to see Sonia Atherton play and it was one of the most interesting and beatiful concerts I have ever been to.

Saturday I stayed with my little cousins playing and enjoying being at home and then we went to see a movie to St. Germain.

And that was my stay, short but fun

Saturday 24 November 2012

All I want for Christmas!

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like to have... Alexa Chung's or Rosie Huntington's Body. A lot of money, be able to eat whatever I want and not gain a pound, amazing sewing skills which I defineteley do not possess, the best style ever! 

If these are a bit unreasonable a nice coat from zara, some trainers and my wishlist from asos would do.
If not just a good holiday with my family and friends and a warm winter!



Sunday 18 November 2012

A few Confessions

Ok. So this post is going to be a bit more persona than the other ones but is because I've been evaluationg things that have happened recently and I think they are very useful so if you are reading and decide to keep going I hope you take something from this and it helps for your every day life, if ok I understand I can be a bit boring and you have all figured out! I envy you!

The first thing that I want to state is

If it doesn't flow, don't force it!

I was trying to make something happen that it was too difficult and after getting disapointed and trying so hard and not getting anywhere I decided to let it go. If it's ment to happen it will happen and just be patient, I'm pretty sure if it didn't happen is because something better is coming or you were just not ready at that time to experience what you wanted to experience.


Listen to your elders!

I'm not saying go and ask every piece of advice from your grandpa, no, not at all. But take in consideration next time someone older than you gives you an advice or a criticism, they have lived longer than you, they have more experience, and even though at our age we believe we know everything.....we don't, trust me!
This skill  took me a few years to develop and I'm still in the process but the other day that one of my teachers was telling me she didn't agree with my design and of course I got angry and did what she told me but thinking she was wrong.....well how wrong I was, turns out she was right and by modufying just small things that she told me to change my design became soooo much better and now I can even use it for my portfolio! Yay!

And last one
Work!work! and keep working!

This past few months I've been working non stop either at school, at Aberdeen House or at Alberre Odette! I haven't even had one weekend of except for the one my dad came to visit! 
And I've realized by working so hard and practising and practising my work is better and I feel better and new doors are opening for me!
I had always had a bad feeling about life and fashion because I was not good at it or it wasn't as easy as horse riding was and I just wished I could have the knowledge I have at riding in everything else.
What I didn't consider is that I used to ride 3-4 hours a day 350 days of the year!!! And I rode good horses, bad horses, crazy horses, I fell, I won, I got yelled at, I cried, but in the end it was worth it because to this day the knowledge I have will never dissapear and weather i decide to do it as a hobby or profesionally I know I will always be really good at it because of how hard I worked when I was younger. So the same philosphy should be applied for all parts of life and I'm trying to do that.

Monday 12 November 2012

Alberre Odette

So I don't know if I have told you but I'm working - doing an internship since I don't get paid in this boutique called Alberre Odette.
It has been pretty damn good so far and I have learned a lot and met some really interesting people.
There's one woman who is 52 and sleeps in a corset because she's afraid of gaining weight during the night! HA! 
Iryina and Agatha are owner and managers of the store and they are amazing! I have a lot of fun with them. And let me just tell you some of the clients are hillarious and totally unaware of reality.
The other day a women came in saying she was not going to spend that much because she was saving and ended up paying around 2000 pounds! And she said: Oh! That's perfect not too much shopping because I have other expenses. 
If you ask me I could use that money for sooooo many things, but I guess if you have it why not spend it right?
Anyway if you are in London come visit me at Alberre Odette and maybe do some shopping!