Sunday, 18 November 2012

A few Confessions

Ok. So this post is going to be a bit more persona than the other ones but is because I've been evaluationg things that have happened recently and I think they are very useful so if you are reading and decide to keep going I hope you take something from this and it helps for your every day life, if ok I understand I can be a bit boring and you have all figured out! I envy you!

The first thing that I want to state is

If it doesn't flow, don't force it!

I was trying to make something happen that it was too difficult and after getting disapointed and trying so hard and not getting anywhere I decided to let it go. If it's ment to happen it will happen and just be patient, I'm pretty sure if it didn't happen is because something better is coming or you were just not ready at that time to experience what you wanted to experience.


Listen to your elders!

I'm not saying go and ask every piece of advice from your grandpa, no, not at all. But take in consideration next time someone older than you gives you an advice or a criticism, they have lived longer than you, they have more experience, and even though at our age we believe we know everything.....we don't, trust me!
This skill  took me a few years to develop and I'm still in the process but the other day that one of my teachers was telling me she didn't agree with my design and of course I got angry and did what she told me but thinking she was wrong.....well how wrong I was, turns out she was right and by modufying just small things that she told me to change my design became soooo much better and now I can even use it for my portfolio! Yay!

And last one
Work!work! and keep working!

This past few months I've been working non stop either at school, at Aberdeen House or at Alberre Odette! I haven't even had one weekend of except for the one my dad came to visit! 
And I've realized by working so hard and practising and practising my work is better and I feel better and new doors are opening for me!
I had always had a bad feeling about life and fashion because I was not good at it or it wasn't as easy as horse riding was and I just wished I could have the knowledge I have at riding in everything else.
What I didn't consider is that I used to ride 3-4 hours a day 350 days of the year!!! And I rode good horses, bad horses, crazy horses, I fell, I won, I got yelled at, I cried, but in the end it was worth it because to this day the knowledge I have will never dissapear and weather i decide to do it as a hobby or profesionally I know I will always be really good at it because of how hard I worked when I was younger. So the same philosphy should be applied for all parts of life and I'm trying to do that.

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