Tuesday 28 February 2012

I have to admit I'm obsessed!

So recently I've been watching this programm called Bethenny ever After which is a reality show and trust me is sooo good! I recommend it if you are into those kind of things, specially if you like the Real Housewives or shows like that. Anyway that is not why I am writing but because now that I know more about her I found out about Skinny Girl and THIS is my new obsession. Trust me is sooo good. The website is amazing, they give you lots of advice wheter it is for lifestyle or health or food (The recipes are great! And low in calories). Bethenny also has a couple of books that tell you a little about herself and give you advice with food for example but keeping an upbeat tone and making it interesting. I wish I could taste the Skinny Margarita but being in London is impossible to find it but this is one of her products and if you live in the US please DO try it and tell me all about it. Last but not least I recommend her Yog workout! I was suffering from insomnia and I decided to try some yoga before going to bed to see if it would help me relax and rest better and it did! I bought her skinny workout which are some yoga routines you can do during the day or at night like me and they are super easy and you can even do them in your room or living room. So I hope you like this as much as I do.

And the website is : http://www.bethenny.com/

Saturday 25 February 2012

Walking in London

If you ask anyone that know me they will tell you that I am a big fan of bread (all carbohydrates to be honest) but I feel like bread is my weakness. My favourite thing for breakfast is a muffin or my nanny's home-made banana bread, but since she's not here in London and I refuse to make Banana Bread because I would eat the entire thing in just one sitting I decided to look for the best muffins in town. I just started my search but I will be giving you updates on it . Usually I go for a Costa Coffee on Saturdays and I order a Capuchino and a Raspberry and White Chocolate muffin. I have tried almost all of them and that is the best one, although the apple one is pretty good. Today I went to this place called Muffinski's near Covent Garden. I wasn't sure if it was worth the trip but I must say it was a good experience. Muffinski's is a small cafe, 2 minutes from the tube station. To be honest I was a little dissapointed with what I saw. If you look in the webpage they offer you 80 different kinds of muffins and I was really excited but when I got there they only had about 5 and not the ones I wanted. Most of them were Gluten free, which is good if you are alergic or into that kind of stuff. Since they didn't have the one I wanted (Peanut Butter) I order a Chocolate Chip one. I have to say one of the good things about this muffins is that they are literally baked 5 minutes before you buy them so they are fresh, soft on the inside but a little crispy on the outside. The one I chose was a bit sweet but I'm sure that the Rasberry one is not so sweet. Although is not the best muffin I have ever eaten Muffinski's is definetly worth the trip. So next time you are near Covent Garden or Leicester Square go and try some. They also have frozen yogurt and savory muffins.

Friday 24 February 2012

Style to Steal

Here are some ideas for your casual weekend and also a some of them are a bit more formal so you can wear them for a dinner party or going out for drinks with your friends.
I love all of them specially the ones that are all black but have a pop of color. 

If you want more street style ideas go to fabsugar.com

Sunday 19 February 2012

Sunday of Discoveries!

Today I went to have lunch with an old friend of my grandmother called Philippa and I had one of the best Sundays in a long long time. First we went to this place called Villandry which id in Great Portland Street. The food was really good and they have a gourmet store next to it so is nice if you want to buy thing to take home. If you decide to go the I had the beetroot salad with goat cheese, which was a really nice starter because is pretty small so it won't ruin your appetite for the main course and afterwards I had the Hamburguer which was nice but Philippa had the Fish cakes and that looked amazing so now you know that those are one of the thing you should order. For dessert I had the apple tart and it was sooooo good! Best course of the whole meal to be honest.
Afterward we went for a drive trough out London and saw all the posh neighboordhoods where we would love to live but can't afford to hahaha, e.g. Notthing hill, Great Portland Street, near Hyde Park and near Holland Park, etc.
To finish the day we went for some tea in Chelsea to this trendy Cafe called Bluebird Cafe. Is really nice and good if you are looking forward seeing "real" Chelsea people. We only had some coffee there so I don't know about the food but we had a little taste of the desserts and they were AMAZING! They have brownies, cheesecakes, pavlovas and crumbles. I only tried a little bit of the crumble and I can recommend it a 100%.

If you want to visit a station near by is Sloane Square which is the disrtict or circle line. And maybe you can go next weekend and feel really posh having some mocha coffee with some apple crumble. Who knows you might even see some of the people of Made in Chelsea or Alexa Chung walking by.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Healthy plan

I have decided to start a healthy plan, is kind of pointless since I eat pretty healthy anyway but I just feel motivated and I want to do a few changes in my routine. So for everyone out there that wants to maybe change a bit of their routine and be a little healthier here are some tips.

1. Drink Water - It will make you feel fuller, hydrate you and it has no calories.
2. Snack on veggies- Instead of going to the closest Starbucks during break and ask for a caramel machiato or buy a bag of crisps or chips is better if you pack some carrots or celery from home. You will save money, they have fewer calories and they will make you feel full for longer.
3. Eat Fish- This I don't follow that much to be honest, since I don't have time to cook fish during the week but..fish has Omega 3 fatty acids that will make you feel full for longer, it baerly has any fat and is one of the meats that has less calories.
4. MY FAVOURITE...NUTS! Eat nuts, because nuts have fiber, protein and fat makes you fell full and you will eat less during the day besides they increasde your metabolism by 11%!!!!!!!

So now you know. I will be skipping my usual muffin and cookies and increasing my nuts and veggies intake during the week. I hope this works for you too.