Sunday 12 February 2012

Healthy plan

I have decided to start a healthy plan, is kind of pointless since I eat pretty healthy anyway but I just feel motivated and I want to do a few changes in my routine. So for everyone out there that wants to maybe change a bit of their routine and be a little healthier here are some tips.

1. Drink Water - It will make you feel fuller, hydrate you and it has no calories.
2. Snack on veggies- Instead of going to the closest Starbucks during break and ask for a caramel machiato or buy a bag of crisps or chips is better if you pack some carrots or celery from home. You will save money, they have fewer calories and they will make you feel full for longer.
3. Eat Fish- This I don't follow that much to be honest, since I don't have time to cook fish during the week has Omega 3 fatty acids that will make you feel full for longer, it baerly has any fat and is one of the meats that has less calories.
4. MY FAVOURITE...NUTS! Eat nuts, because nuts have fiber, protein and fat makes you fell full and you will eat less during the day besides they increasde your metabolism by 11%!!!!!!!

So now you know. I will be skipping my usual muffin and cookies and increasing my nuts and veggies intake during the week. I hope this works for you too.

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