Tuesday 28 February 2012

I have to admit I'm obsessed!

So recently I've been watching this programm called Bethenny ever After which is a reality show and trust me is sooo good! I recommend it if you are into those kind of things, specially if you like the Real Housewives or shows like that. Anyway that is not why I am writing but because now that I know more about her I found out about Skinny Girl and THIS is my new obsession. Trust me is sooo good. The website is amazing, they give you lots of advice wheter it is for lifestyle or health or food (The recipes are great! And low in calories). Bethenny also has a couple of books that tell you a little about herself and give you advice with food for example but keeping an upbeat tone and making it interesting. I wish I could taste the Skinny Margarita but being in London is impossible to find it but this is one of her products and if you live in the US please DO try it and tell me all about it. Last but not least I recommend her Yog workout! I was suffering from insomnia and I decided to try some yoga before going to bed to see if it would help me relax and rest better and it did! I bought her skinny workout which are some yoga routines you can do during the day or at night like me and they are super easy and you can even do them in your room or living room. So I hope you like this as much as I do.

And the website is : http://www.bethenny.com/

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