Sunday 11 March 2012

Last weekend!

This weekend was a very good weekend specially because is the last one before I go home!

Saturday: I woke up early and did some yoga and some stretching. Then I was kind of hungry so I went to Costa and had a Capuchino, but I decided to be healthier and istead of having the muffin I usually have I ordered a Banana - Walnut mini loaf which is smaller and has less calories and more nutrients. (The muffin is like you are eating a piece of cake for breakfast, still good but not as healthy) Then I walked back home and worked on my essay, which was good because I finished it, so I only had the last details to do before printing it. My plan was to do some last shopping before going home so I went to Topshop, Urban Outfitters and walked around that area. Unfortunately I didn't like anything, so no new clothes. But I'm dying for these shoes so if you see them and want to make me really happy go for it.

Afterwards I went to wasabi to get some sushi and rice for lunch. Just a nice little treat since it was the last weekend I could have it for a month. The afternoon was pretty quiet. I saw Young Adult with Charlize Theron and I DO NOT recommend it at all.

Sunday: Woke up- Gym- cleaning, pretty boring- standard morning. I went for a walk and I found this place where you could get a manicure for 5 pounds so I got one hahahaha. I made myself lunch which I have to admitt was pretty good, mozarella and tomato sandwiches are always a good option and they fill you up!
In the afternoon I wanted a frozen yogurt so I went to Hampstead, but the store was closed and I was really dissapointed. Until I discovered an other ice cream shop in that area which is really nice and I recommend everyone to go visit it. The place is called Slice of Ice, all their ice creams are natural and organic and they have amazing flavours. I had a vanilla and peanut butter one.

But I also noticed the Hampstead Creperie, which had a line of about 50 people. So I'm definetly going some time when it's not so busy and I don't have an ice cream in my hand. Here's a photo I found on the internet.

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