Monday 5 November 2012

Mix and Match (Pizza, dancing, walking, jersey boys!)

Get ready because this is going to be a loong post. So my dad came to visit this weekend, I was a bit worried but turns out it was an amazing weekend.
I went to pick him to Hewathrow Airport and after leaving his things at the house we went for dinner to Bella Vita. My favourite Italian restaurant in London, is a bit far but the trip was totally worth it.
I had the Pizza Bella vita which is Tomato, mozzarella, parmesan, rocket, parma ham and extra virgin olive oil! SOOOO GOOD! My dad had the risotto al Frutti di Mare and looked really good too.
We came back and I think I killed him because he was very tired so he went to bed really early. Good thing because my flatmates and one of their friends who came for a visit invited me to a pub in Holloway and we had soo much fun dancing. Nothing beats a good night of dancing with friends! Trust me!
Next day I made croissants for breakfast and we went to Green Park, Buckigham Palace, Regent's Street and Covent Garden. We had a small lunch and went to see Jersey Boys! To be honest is not my favourite musical so far but it's pretty good and my dad loved it. Specially because he knew the songs.

We invited my flatmates for dinner in Covent Garden and I took them to PJ's. It is a restaurant I found on the internet really really good. We all had some Hamburguers which where amazing nothing like that McDonald's crap.  And after coming home and my dad dying again we went out to Shoreditch and then to Dalston to the Jazz Bar because my flatmates friend said it was really good be honest, it was! Some other friends from Alonso and Enrico came too and we had a pretty damn good time dancing and being silly! 
We came back round 5 and the next day I has to wake  up early to take my dad to the airport. Mortal! I know. But coming back the guys where going to Mestizo and we had some Mexican food which was perfect for a day when you are tired and you want some comfort food. 
They went to see Paté de Fuá a mexican group that was playing here in London and in the evening we went to see Rust and Bone, a french movie with Marion Cotillard and it's AMAZING! Please do yourself a favour and go watch it!

So that was my weekend. I'm posting a few links, photos, videos and some extra things I saw for you to check them out.
What did you all do on the weekend?

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