Sunday 10 July 2011

International Delight Cafe

This week my friend Lara invited us to go to her house in Long Island. We went to the beach and then had dinner in her house. It was amazing!!!!!!!! But part of the trip involved going to her family's restaurant where the guy from Man vs. Food went to eat ice cream!!!!!!!!

And believe me they had the best icre cream I have ever tried in my entire life. My favourites where: Doble Dough, Nutella, Elephant(which was a mixture of vanilla ice cream with peanut butter and cookie dough), Cake Batter, Rainbow Cookie, Vanilla Fudge!!!

And let me tell you that wasn't even half of all the flavours I tried. I had such a good time and I will definetly go back there when I have the chance. So if you are in New york and you want to try the best ice cream, take a train which is not very long or expensive and go to The International Delight Cafe!!!!
What flavour would you like to try???

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