Saturday 16 July 2011

Just an other day

 Lately I've been wondering if it's possible to live without regret? Not just regret about silly decisions like eating to much or wearing a horrible outfit that you thought it was soo cool at the time and it turn out to make you look like you were living in the 80's. But regrets about important decisions that can change the course of your life forever. 

How can we be certain that what we choose today will lead us to the right path that will make us happy in the future? How are we supposed to choose what we want to do for "the rest" of our lifes today when we are only 20 years old and we don't know absolutely nothing about life? Is this why so many people live miserable lifes? Is this why they are so unhappy when they grow old? Why they loose all their passion? Or is it that "normal" people don't dream so big? Do they think they are settling or is just the logical thing to do? Be born, grow up, get married, have children and die.

One thing I do know now. It's though making decisions but it is the only way to grow and live in the present. And I also believe that if you are strong enough to take a risk and make a difficult decision you won't regret it because you will feel liberated and that at least you took a risk and didn't settle.

1 comment:

  1. Yo creo (y perdón, pero siempre soy bien metiche en cosos que encuentro interesantes :P), que siempre va a haber arrepentimientos de cosas, porque a fin de cuentas somos humanos, y siempre vamos a tener la duda de qué habría pasado si hubiéramos hecho las cosas de otro modo y así.

    Entonces, lo importante siempre al tomar decisiones, es tomar la decisión que crees que más te va a acercar a lo que realmente quieres, nunca tomar la decisión segura, sino arriezgarse, porque a fin de cuenta, como dices, es menos probable que te arrepientas porque al menos luchaste por lo que realmente querías. =)

    Cuando uno crece y es infeliz y odia su vida y se conforma, no es realmente por las decisiones que se tomaron, sino porque no fueron consecuentes con lo que podría pasar al tomar una decisión. Cuando tomamos decisiones, debemos estar concientes que las cosas pueden no salir como queremos, y debemos asumir las consecuencias de lo que decidimos. De ese modo, si somos true to ourselves, nunca nos arrepentiremos, y siempre viviremos felices con lo que somos y hacemos =)

    Bueeno, al menos eso creo, uno siempre puede estar mal y así XD
