Saturday 24 December 2011

Best style 2011

So this are my picks for best style 2011, if I could dress or at least look 10% as cool as this women I would be the happiest person ever.

Alexa Chung

This is probably my favourite style icon in the whole world. I love the way she mixes clothes and always looks chic whitout putting to much effort.

Also I love her hair. I've been thinking on getting mine chopped and colored like hers.

   Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

 I love Rosie's street style. She has winter style all figured out! Her Red carpet style is also very elegant and contemporary, and with her big screen debut we'll be seeing lots of her in the future.

Cara Delvigne

Cara is an up and coming model with amazing style. She always looks chic and elegant and totally cool. Along with her sister Poppy they always manage to be in the best dressed list and look like a million dollars.

Chloe Moretz

With 14 this young actress is taking the Fashion World by storm.
She's always making bold choices that usually pay off. She's a risk taker and has amazing taste. I think Chloe has a bright future ahead.

Along with this women there are some that I think their style is worth mentioning: Blake Lively, Emma Stone, Elizabeth Olsen.

Thursday 15 December 2011

New Project

I need to start doing my application project if I want to transfer to NY next year and it need to be based on an object that I selected and developed from there. This are the first few drafts and expermients nothing is finished or decided.

This is the object

This is one of the drawings I did

And these are some of the prints I did which I am planning on printing on a fabric to do a garment afterwards which would be one of the pieces for my project.

Monday 12 December 2011


If this is not the coolest show I don't know what it is. Indian inspired this Chanel show is full of Indian inflences and extravagance done in a tasteful and contemporary way.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Shopping Tips

So lately I've been doing some Christmas shopping before going home. I'm not a big spende so I like to plan what I'm going to buy and have an estimate of the amount of money I'm planning to use. In case you do like shopping a lot and find it difficult to stop yourself before going completley bankrupt, here are some tips that I like to use and might be helpful to you.

1. Do a list of the things you really need, what's the point of having 100 pair of jeans if you only wear the same 2 pairs every time?

2. Try to put yourself a limit and even if you might spend a little over you already know how much more you spent and may be able to do adjustments to make the damage less grave.

3. Check the prices of what you want to buy. There might be a really nice pair of shoes you want to buy but they are crazy expensive. Stop! Evaluate if it's worth buying or if maybe it's better to buy another 5 things with the same amount of money and maybe find a cheaper version of the shoes you liked.
4. Even if it sounds mean think about who you are giving a present to. Not everyone has to have an expensive Christmas present, you might even get creative and make something realy cool for some of your friends. I mean I wouldn't mind if my friends gave me a can of home-made cookies for Christmas.

So there you have it, some tips that might be helpful for this Christmas season. Hope it helps!

Saturday 26 November 2011

I think this is one of the coolest things I have come across in a long time!! I wish I could order some to take home but I know it would be a nightmare to travel for 14hours with them! Anyway maybe some of you would like to give them as a christmas present or try to make them at home. They have flavours like red velvet, christmas fruitcake, carrot cake, etc. If you want to learn more about this cupcakes just go to the link below.

Christmas Wish List

Saturday 1 October 2011


The other day I went with my friends to FABRIC which is one of the most famous clubs in London for the first UAL party of the year. Since last year everyone had told me that FABRIC was amazing and it was the best place to go out in London and I have to admit I was a little disappointed. Yes, the music is pretty good but nothing that you can't find in other clubs and what I didn't like at all is that the drinks were really expensive(and I mean reallllyyyyy expensive). So know you know if you want to go out FABRIC is a good option but if you have an other club near you with good music and cheap drinks maybe it would be better to choose that one. 

I also wanted to tell you about this book I've been reading called ONE DAY. It is written by David Nicholls and now you can watch the adaptation with Anne Hathaway and the very handsome Jim Sturgess. It is a very good, interesting book to read which talks about love in a realistic kind of way and how sometimes friendships change as life goes by.

Saturday 24 September 2011

London 1

My God!! I'm so tired! First couple of days in London and everything's going awesome. I haven't had a minute free and that prevented me from being homesick HA! Anyway I'm so excited to start the new year in school. I haven't been here a week but it was enough to feel inspired all over again. I had forgotten that I have a soft spot for England and all it has to offer. I mean just the freaking amazing street style that you see every day! Anyway just wanted to post something really quick and put some pictures that remind me of the way people dress here, but I will be taking pictures in the future of all the looks that I like.

Friday 16 September 2011

miu miu

So if anyone was thinking...well I really like Marina and I would love to give her a nice late birthday present or maybe her Christmas present in advance or maybe jut give her a present because I'm awesome here is a suggestion that would make me the happiest person in the planet.

This miu miu shoes from the fall collection. I like them in black or pink and I'm a size 6 1/2 US. And if you won't give them to me as a present it's ok, just buy them and wear them as much as you can because they are AMAZING!!!!

Thursday 8 September 2011


The Power of a Sonnet

Lately I've been feeling kind of depressed, I think it is because I really miss New York and I want to go to London to start the new year and go to school and start all the new projects I have in mind. Don't get me wrong being home is pretty good but here I don't feel like I have so many friends and most of my friends have to go to school, which by the way is pretty damn horrible here in Mexico, they don't have time to do anything!! There are several things that are contributing to my sadness but I don't want this post to be depressing so I'm going to explain what I found helps a lot to make you feel a little happier. 

One day I was feeling extremly sad so I decided to do something to get distracted and not think about how bored and sad I was so I laid on the floor and started doing vocal exercises that I learned at Stella Adler. One of the things we were supposed to do was pick a special partner and send them "HAS" and "MMM" which were imaginary thoughts that had to reach the person you were thinking about. So I started doing that and then I sent them(my partner were several people from my group at stella) my sonnet and after doing that for a couple of times I felt a lot better and motivated.

Betwixt mine eye and heart a league is took,
And each doth good turns now unto the other:
When that mine eye is famish'd for a look,
Or heart in love with sighs himself doth smother,
With my love's picture then my eye doth feast
And to the painted banquet bids my heart;
Another time mine eye is my heart's guest
And in his thoughts of love doth share a part:
So, either by thy picture or my love,
Thyself away art resent still with me;
For thou not farther than my thoughts canst move,
And I am still with them and they with thee;
   Or, if they sleep, thy picture in my sight
   Awakes my heart to heart's and eye's delight. 

I hope you like it too and who knows it might help you in a difficult time like it helped me.

Monday 29 August 2011

Health Time!! 2

For your diet:
 Craving a crunch? Try these homemade snack recipes and easy on-the-go ideas, all for under 200 calories.

Also I had the most amazing carrot cake so I suggest that after a week of working out and eating healthy you go to the supermarket buy all the ingredients and follow one of these recipes and enjoy!

Health Time!!

Last week it was my birthday and I decided to be a little less strict with my "diet" and workout routine. To be honest I don't actually diet but I like to eat pretty healthy and be active and that helps me stay in shape. We all know(or at least a couple of us) that after a some indulgence days you just want to go back to the routine and feel healthy and go back to normal so here are some tips that might help you get back on track and erase that guilty feeling for good.

For your workout:
If you're new to the running scene, setting a goal for each workout is a great way to keep at it and to help you feel like you're making progress. Here are some ideas for minirunning goals.
  • Set a time and run without stopping. If you're an absolute beginner, that might mean two minutes, and if you've been running for a month or longer, your goal might be for 15 minutes straight.
  • Run three times in one week. The best way to make running feel easier is to start running regularly. That doesn't mean you need to run five miles each time you go. Choose a time or distance that's doable three times a week and stick with it for a month or so. Choose specific days to run such as Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday to help you remember.
  • Run a mile in 12 minutes or less. If this seems impossible, set a time that's reasonable for you. It's OK to walk a little, but eventually work up to running a mile in about 10 minutes.
  • Make it all the way to the top of a hill. Find a decent hill in your neighborhood or increase the incline on your treadmill. Your first attempt may result in you huffing and puffing and stopping midway, but your legs will become stronger after several attempts, and you'll be able to reach the top. No sweat.
  • Hit at least two different surfaces each week. Mixing up the surfaces you run on offers new challenges to your muscles, making you a better runner. Alternate between the treadmill, road, sidewalk, trail, and sand. Keep in mind that running in squishy sand is more difficult than running along a smooth treadmill belt, so when the surface is tougher, move at a slower pace or for a shorter amount of time. 

Sunday 24 July 2011

Summer and Central Park Part 2

If you are in desperate need of a tan, don't go to a spray tan salon. We have been making some research because we wanted to go get a spray tan and we found out that it is expensive and it only lasts for 2 weeks, so we decided to save that money and go buy a bronzer and take advantage of the weather!
Central Park is the best place to go get a tan. It is nice, you are outdoors and you can go get food at whole foods and then have a picnic while getting a natural, cheaper tan.

I was also contemplating doing a mayor makeover and be a redhead! So Leila(who got her hair done and looks like a really hot Drew Barrymore now) did our research and went to this salon called Rita Hazan Salon! It is amazing, everyone was super nice and professional.
Nicole who was the girl doing our makeovers told me that readhead was not the best option for me which I appreciated, I prefer honesty than looking crazy! But she did a treatment on my hair which is called the Brazilian Blowout that makes your hair silky and stops the horrible frizz that all women hate. She also does EMMA STONE'S hair!! Isn't that amazing!!!

Anyway that is all for now but next week I will post new discoveries and experiences that hopefully you will find useful. Also we plan on visiting some of the restaurants that adam richman from man vs. food visited in NY so we'll see what happens! (exciting stuff, I know!)

Summer and Central Park Part 1

So many things to tell and so little time to do it! This past few weeks I have been having such a good time here in New York that I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to be devastated when it's time to go home in 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS!!!!!

Leila and Lara are 2 of my best friends and I have to say that they have changed my life. They are amazing I wish I could describe them but they have so many colors and so many interesting and positive atributes that I would fail to comunicate to you all how amazing they are. I guess you will have to meet them some day. Although I know Leila is going to be a famous director and Lara a famous actress so I'm pretty sure that in a few years you will know who they are. Together we have discovered many good things about NY and this are a few of the things I think are amazing and you should try if you come to the city for a few days.

First stop is Chinatown! On Sunday go to this little place called: Shanghai Asian Manor (21 Mott Street, New York, NY 10013) We had many things but my favourites were the steamed buns, the fried jumbo shrimp w.fruit sauce and the sliced chicken w broccoli(this I'm not sure if that's what it's called but it is the picture in the menu and is fried and amazing!!!!We had a lot of food and it was super cheap!

Next stop: Little Italy!! Go and buy small cannolis! Best thing ever and soo cheap!

If you are in the mood of Pizza and a movie go to Two Brothers Pizza. I swear is the best pizza I have had in my entire life(well not true, my nanny makes the best pizza). The size is perfect and all the ingredients are fresh and soft and delicious!

If you are in the mood for some cheap shopping go to strawberry or forever 21. So chic and cheap! Both stores are amazing! I  like Forever 21 more but that is just because it is more my style.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Just an other day

 Lately I've been wondering if it's possible to live without regret? Not just regret about silly decisions like eating to much or wearing a horrible outfit that you thought it was soo cool at the time and it turn out to make you look like you were living in the 80's. But regrets about important decisions that can change the course of your life forever. 

How can we be certain that what we choose today will lead us to the right path that will make us happy in the future? How are we supposed to choose what we want to do for "the rest" of our lifes today when we are only 20 years old and we don't know absolutely nothing about life? Is this why so many people live miserable lifes? Is this why they are so unhappy when they grow old? Why they loose all their passion? Or is it that "normal" people don't dream so big? Do they think they are settling or is just the logical thing to do? Be born, grow up, get married, have children and die.

One thing I do know now. It's though making decisions but it is the only way to grow and live in the present. And I also believe that if you are strong enough to take a risk and make a difficult decision you won't regret it because you will feel liberated and that at least you took a risk and didn't settle.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Star Style

I'm totally diging Ashley Greene style in this picture. I think the red tomato jeans are amazing and the way she styled it works perfectly. I am putting together a list of summer buys I need to do before I go back to London and this trousers are definetly in it. So if anyone knows where I can get them please elt me know via Facebook or a comment or even an e-mail.

Sunday 10 July 2011

International Delight Cafe

This week my friend Lara invited us to go to her house in Long Island. We went to the beach and then had dinner in her house. It was amazing!!!!!!!! But part of the trip involved going to her family's restaurant where the guy from Man vs. Food went to eat ice cream!!!!!!!!

And believe me they had the best icre cream I have ever tried in my entire life. My favourites where: Doble Dough, Nutella, Elephant(which was a mixture of vanilla ice cream with peanut butter and cookie dough), Cake Batter, Rainbow Cookie, Vanilla Fudge!!!

And let me tell you that wasn't even half of all the flavours I tried. I had such a good time and I will definetly go back there when I have the chance. So if you are in New york and you want to try the best ice cream, take a train which is not very long or expensive and go to The International Delight Cafe!!!!
What flavour would you like to try???

The Normal Heart

Sooo many good things to tell this week! But first I want to tell you about a play I saw called "The Normal Heart". 

The story of a city in denial, THE NORMAL HEART unfolds like a real-life political thriller—as a tight-knit group of friends refuses to let doctors, politicians and the press bury the truth of an unspoken epidemic behind a wall of silence. A quarter-century after it was written, this outrageous, unflinching, and totally unforgettable look at the sexual politics of New York during the AIDS crisis remains one of the theatre’s most powerful evenings ever. It has received five Tony nominations, including Best Revival of a Play and Best Director for Joel Grey and George C. Wolfe. (source:

It is one of the most amazing plays I have ever seen. Incredibly moving! It makes you realize how people suffered and is still suffering from AIDS and the many obstacles that this disease brings along. It also made me realize that the fight is not over, people are still facing difficulties to get treatment and the medicines that they need to survive.

I recommend people to buy the play and read it, because it is not only the amazing actors in the play what makes it incredible but a very interesting and smart script which I think many people will like.